Mockit, Docker-based Application to Mock API Endpoints

MockIt is an open source tool to quickly create mocked APIs. It gives you an interface to configure and create REAL mocked endpoints for your applications. Whilst you wait for APIS...

YugaByte, Open Source, Transactional, High-performance Database

YugaByte DB is an open source database for high performance applications that require ACID transactions and planet-scale data distribution. It supports Cassandra-compatible and Redis-compatible APIs, with PostgreSQL in Beta. YugaByte DB offers both NoSQL and...

Github Octoverse, Top Programming Languages of 2018

Github released the yearly Octoverse report, a brief analysis of which ones were best represented or trending on GitHub. This year developers collaborated on GitHub across repositories, pull requests, issues, and comments...

Integrate Microsoft Power BI and PHP

Many business intelligence solutions are today available in the market, and sometimes companies need to integrate these solution’s capabilities into their web applications. An interesting case study is the integration of Microsoft...

Aimeos, e-Commerce Framework and Online Shopping Solution

You should have a look at Aimeos if you are looking to build an online shop, market place, reseller or complex B2B systems, while using your favorite PHP framework ! A...

Deployer, Easily Deploy your PHP Apps

Deployer is a deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks out of the box including Symfony, Cakephp, FuelPHP, CloudFlare, Laravel, Yii Framework, Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, Composer, Drupal, Magento, Typo3,...

Estimate Cost of Code Review and PHP-ML Stock Forecast Using Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and Machine learning is a very hot topic for most developers, but not a very common topic for web developers. PHP-ML is a machine learning library available for PHP...

Pomm, The Postgresql object model manager for PHP

Pomm is an open source database access framework in PHP dedicated to the Postgresql™ database. It offers an alternative approach than ORM to using database in web applications developments. Imagine an ORM...

Swoole, Hot Production-Grade Async programming Framework for PHP

Swoole is an open source, production ready async programming framework for PHP. Compared with other async programming frameworks or softwares such as Nginx, Tornado, Node.js, the framework has the built-in async, multiple...

PHP for IoT and Embedded Systems

HHVM is now fully-functional on ARM hardware! Announced Max Wang in a blog post.The blog post which is deeply technical, explains in detail how HHVM ARM port have been implemented. You should guess that...

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