Happy Birthday WWW

The web is getting older !! Just celebrates its 16 years today. According to the W3.org website The first web page http://nxoc01.cern.ch/. Note from this era too, the least recently modified...

OpenID Why Not ?

Since the previous editos on OpenID I was reading here and there about opinions and comments on OpenID especially from people against. Who said that OpenID is the best, most secure, only...

Thank you for supporting PHPMagazine.net !

Everyday we look around the blogosphere many questions came in mind, what's new and what's next is coming ? During one year and more we have tryed to develop at phpmagazine.net...

A Special weekend on PHPMagazine.net !

Usually weekends are slow here, traffic slow down, visitors, readers, but since it's not my weekend I profit to work on lot of stuff here and there. This weekend was a...

I Speak XML And You ?

Today I was working on FileNet Document Management System, or more precisely on their image archiving tool. Not very new project but in its latests steps. Even the solution is very...

HTML5 Magazine

Today we are thrilled to announce a new member of our network : HTML5 Magazine ! We were previously talking much about HTML5 at the Ajax Magazine. Today HTML5 is taking...

OpenID for everyone

Recently OpenID started to be adopted widely after Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo, and recently the announcement made by Digg. What is great with OpenID is that you can login to any website which...

PHP Magazine Mobile Network

Today we have a new optimized Mobile version of the PHP Magazine Network that you can find at m.phpmagazine.net, previous version was written for PDA and was difficult to access for...

Mod Never Expire

It happen that you have content that rarely change such images, CSS, JavaScripts, ... so what about telling the browser to keep them for ever as long as possible ? Visitors...

RSS Patents

There are two recently filled US patents by Microsoft claiming they have invented RSS and Web-based RSS readers !! The first one about Finding and consuming web subscriptions in a web...

Social Media


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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...