dhtmlxScheduler v2.3 Released, Map View, Tooltips, Enhanced TimeLine View, and More

DHTMLX announced the new update of dhtmlxScheduler, a JavaScript written Ajax calendar that allows developers to incorporate web-based interface for managing events and schedules. New version 2.3 introduces a number of...

YUI 3.9.0pr3 Released

In the latest YUI preview release 3, many changes and improvements have been added such as the integration of Y.Tree in the framework, Normalize.css that replaced CSSBase, which is great for...

dhtmlxChart JavaScript Charts Component Released

Dhtmlx team is currently preparing a major upgrade of its Ajax UI toolkit, and as a part of this upgrade some new components will be made available. One of new products...

Introducing the Fistlab PHP Components

Fistlab is a new initiative to create a set of components in various programming languages, which however works almost the same way. This way it will be easier for developers to go...

Sky Component for React

Sky is a pretty cool React component for interactive backgrounds, written by Luca Gesmundo and released under an MIT License. Check the demo online. You can install it using : npm install --save react-sky Then usage...

Ketting, a hypermedia client for Javascript

Ketting library is meant to be a generic HATEOAS library for Javascript using a simple, modern API. Currently it only supports the HAL and HTML formats, it supports an opinionated set of modern...

React v16.6.0 Released with lazy, memo and contextType

React released version 16.6 with a few new convenient features. A form of PureComponent/shouldComponentUpdate for function components, a way to do code splitting using Suspense and an easier way to consume Context...

MoonJs, fast, tiny, and intuitive JavaScript Library

Ten years ago, I was one of the judges in an Open Source award competition, In the JavaScript competition I remember jQuery won the JavaScript category. If today we ran again...

Visx, low-level visualization primitives for React by Airbnb

Visx is a collection of expressive, low-level visualization primitives for React. The goal was to unify their visualization stack across the company and in the process, so they created a new...

React Admin 3.9.0 Released

React Admin 3.9.0 have just been released with TypeScript support, in addition to new features, it enables IDE autocompletion of react-admin component props. https://twitter.com/ReactAdmin/status/1312007015124869120 Some of the new features include : Add user...

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