GLPI, IT Management With The Power of Freedom

GLPI is an incredible ITSM software tool that helps you plan and manage IT changes in an easy way, solve problems efficiently when they emerge and allow you to gain legitimate...

Insphpect, Dynamic Code Analysis Tool

Part of a Ph.D Project by Thomas Butler at the University of Northampton in the UK, Insphpect is a proof of concept to develop a metric for analyzing source code flexibility...

Webinar : Collaborating with DevOps to Automate Cloud Security at Scale

Security leaders from AWS, Brex, Databricks, and Robinhood share strategies for collaborating with DevOps to automate and scale cloud security. Wednesday, October 7 | 9am PT / 12pm ET / 4pm GMT Shifting...

How Green is Your Cloud Business : The Cloud Jewels

Cloud providers generally do not disclose to customers how much energy their services consume, the reason why Etsy team created a conversion factors called Cloud Jewels to help estimating energy used...

OpenEMR, Electronic Health Records and Medical Practice Management Solution

OpenEMR is the most popular open source electronic health records and medical practice management solution. ONC certified by the OCSA labs with international usage, OpenEMR's goal is a superior alternative to...

Wasmer, WebAssembly Runtime and Container Format Alternative

You certainly know Docker, but much less Wasmer, a container format based on WebAssembly which compile many programming languages such as GoLang, Rust, C/C++, D, Python, Javascript, PHP, Ruby, Java, R......

Invoice Ninja, Enterprise Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel and Flutter

Today there are tons of solutions to get your business online up and running, your invoices, expenses, tasks etc. Invoice Ninja is not just one of them, but one of...
favicon supercookie

Be Aware, Favicons Are Supercookies !

According to a recent research conducted at University of Illinois at Chicago by Konstantinos Solomos, John Kristoff, Chris Kanich, and Jason Polakis, they found out that in most modern browsers favicons...

KPHP Compile and Run PHP Code Up to 10 Times Faster

KPHP is a PHP compiler developed by and maintained as proprietary for years until open-sourced in late 2020. It compiles a limited subset of PHP to a native binary running...

PeachPie, Do We Really Need a .NET Development Platform for PHP ?

PeachPie is an open source PHP compiler and runtime for .NET and .NET Core. We have covered the project about four years ago when it was work in progress, but today...

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