Turtle.audio, Extremely Addictive Music Creation Program

Turtle audio is the latest music creation software of Kyle Stets, slack engineer. A web-based music sequencer inspired by turtle graphics programming that he was working on for over two years using...

Web Cryptography API on Securing JavaScript

One of the latest development for a more secure JavaScript, is the Web Cryptography API by the W3C. The latest working draft released on January 8th, 2013, describes a JavaScript API...

SVG.JS Lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG.

SVG.JS is a lightweight JavaScript library for manipulating and animating SVG. SVG.js size is only 5k gzipped, it came with an easy readable uncluttered syntax. Animating elements is very much the...

HexagonalJS, Single Page Apps Clean Architecture

This week a new JavaScript "idea" have been released, HexagonalJS, a Non-framework approach to JavaScript apps - it's not even a library. Jan Filipowski explained the basic idea behind this library,...

dhtmlxScheduler v2.3 Released, Map View, Tooltips, Enhanced TimeLine View, and More

DHTMLX announced the new update of dhtmlxScheduler, a JavaScript written Ajax calendar that allows developers to incorporate web-based interface for managing events and schedules. New version 2.3 introduces a number of...

React v16.6.0 Released with lazy, memo and contextType

React released version 16.6 with a few new convenient features. A form of PureComponent/shouldComponentUpdate for function components, a way to do code splitting using Suspense and an easier way to consume Context...

New Release of Quick Tables, a Handy Database Editor from DHTMLX

DHTMLX announced the update of its Quick Tables, an easy-to-use PHP solution for editing tabular data stored in the database. Quick Tables offer a simple tool for non-programmers to view and...

YUI 3.9.0pr3 Released

In the latest YUI preview release 3, many changes and improvements have been added such as the integration of Y.Tree in the framework, Normalize.css that replaced CSSBase, which is great for...

Ketting, a hypermedia client for Javascript

Ketting library is meant to be a generic HATEOAS library for Javascript using a simple, modern API. Currently it only supports the HAL and HTML formats, it supports an opinionated set of modern...

Enterprise JavaScript : Google Launches JavaScript Cloud Scripting Language

Google Apps Script is a new JavaScript enterprise technology to automate tasks across Google products. The new JavaScript cloud scripting language allow to automate repetitive business processes (e.g....

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