PHPVatch, Top 1M websites leaking PHP versions

With just few weeks until PHP 5.6 EoL, PHPVatch checks top 1 million websites from Alexa Top 1 million sites which are leaking their PHP versions Only 4.88% of these websites have...

Webinar : Securing Your Infrastructure Before, During and After Deployment

Synk is organizing a webinar on October 14, 2020 3:00 pm CET titled securing your infrastructure before, during and after deployment. There will be three speakers from respectively Synk, Pulumi, and...

How Composer Avoid Dependency Chain Attacks

In a blog post published by Nils Adermann co-Founder of Packagist, explained how composer manage dependency confusion and avoid security issues caused by other package managers to big companies such Apple,...

The PHPHack that Broke Password Hashing

PHP recently suffered a bug in its password hashing algorithm that could lead to security vulnerabilities in applications. The bug, which was discovered and reported by researchers from Paragon Initiative Enterprises,...
responsive menu

Responsive Menu Plugin Exposed Hundred Thousand Websites to High Security risk

Wordfence disclosed this week multiple vulnerabilities patched in the popular Responsive Menu WordPress plugin that exposed more than 100,000 sites to takeover attacks. The three vulnerabilities revealed grant attackers the ability...

SourceGuardian 12 Released With Full PHP 8 Support

SourceGuardian 12 have just been released with full support of all the new PHP 8 language features. The new version now supports PHP 8 encoding, in addition to named parameters, attributes, union...

10 Common PHP Security Vulnerabilities and How to Prevent Them

As PHP developers, we have a responsibility to ensure that the code we write is secure and free from vulnerabilities. Failing to do so could result in serious consequences, from data...

Understanding CIDRAM: An Overview of the Advanced Security Tool for Web Servers

CIDRAM (short for "Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager") is a web security tool that helps protect websites from malicious traffic. It uses a combination of IP blocking, HTTP header analysis, and...
composer securtity harderning

Composer security Harderning

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, and is the de facto one. It is a great software developed by brilliant people, and Composer security have the necessary precautions in place to prevent...

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