Advanced Topics

This category covers advanced PHP topics such as OOP, design patterns, database, web services, and emerging technologies. Readers can learn how to leverage advanced PHP techniques to build scalable and robust web applications.

PHP-ML, Machine Learning library for PHP

PHP-ML is a fresh approach to Machine Learning in PHP. Algorithms, Cross Validation, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and much more in one library. The library support : Association rule learning, Classification, Regression,...

How PHP7 Boosted Tumblr Performance

On the Tumblr engineering blog a post about PHP 7 at Tumblr, and how the migration from PHP5 to PHP7 boosted the performance of Tumblr. The project started as a Hackday...
spotify symfony

New Spotify Symfony Artists website powered by PHP7

James Solomon, programmer at Spotify, announced the launch of the new Spotify Artists website powered by PHP 7, Symfony framework 3.1, and Contentful content management system. Spotify Symfony Revenues are up 8.1%,...

Interview with James Watts, Announcing CakePHP 3.0

The CakePHP core team announced today the immediate availability of CakePHP 3.0 with lots of new features and improvements. Almost one year after announcing the first 3.0 preview release, followed by...

Top PHP Based School Management Systems

You will be surprised if you notice the number of School Management systems available today over the internet, and more specifically written in PHP. You will be not only surprised by...

PHP-FIG, The PHP Framework Interoperability Group

After php|tek 2009, a number of PHP Frameworks developers launched a new initiative: PHP-FIG, the PHP Frameworks Interoperability Group. The idea is to  have projects representative members in the PHPFIG talk...

A Parser for PHP written in Go ?

You should be familiar with PHP projects written in plain PHP, or in C++, but what about a parser for the PHP programming language written in Go! ? Kind of crazy...

Exclusive Report: PHP Freelancing, a 30% Growth in 2014

Thousands of PHP freelancing jobs are posted daily over the internet and in specifically.  PHP projects represent the largest part of business, the reason why it’s considered as the...

CiviCRM, or how PHP and Open Source can help NPOs and NGOs

CiviCRM is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution that could be easily integrated with the CMS of your choice such as Drupal, Joomla, or Wordpress. It's specifically designed for the needs...

Behind the Scenes of Wikipedia’s Migration to HHVM

As we have previously announced, Wikipedia migrated its platform to HHVM and we have found some interesting details on their experience posted by Ori Livneh in a Wikimedia blog post. Today...

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