angular2As part of the FREE eBook every day by Packt, you can explore today an eBook written by Olivier Manickum titled “What you need to know about Angular 2”. Hurry offer expires in 16 hours as I am writing this post.

Well, the eBook is only 27 pages giving you just the jist to get started with Angular 2 :

  • Cover the fundamentals and the things you really need to know, rather than niche or specialized areas : installation, step by step guide to create an application
  • Assume that you come from a fairly technical background and so understand what the technology is and what it broadly does : It explains clearly components, directives and templates.
  • Focus on what things are and how they work : How to use data bindings, services, and metadata.
  • Include 3-5 practical examples to get you up, running, and productive quickly. In addition to a chapter dedicated to dependency injection.

AngularJS was created by Google in 2010 to address the need of creating awesome single-page applications. Angular2 embraces ES6 and TypeScript to create beautiful JavaScript code that gets compiled for the browser.

Claim your free eBook now : What you need to know about Angular 2. You can also subscribe to get daily updates of free eBooks.

Disclaimer : This is not a sponsored post. It’s true that I was previously judge in the PacktPub open source awards – Javascript category, however I am sharing this with you because I think it could be useful to some readers. HaPHPy reading !


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