Web Hosting Folio announced its new Pagerank Visualization Tool (PVT) (Visual Pagerank Buttons) is a new way of showing your site’s Google Pagerank with the help of attractive graphical visuals. There are several concept alternatives for your site. By selecting the one that most fits to your site theme and then adding the code to your pages can easily displays the button from the visual set. Now you can display your pagerank with attractive visuals to your visitors.

There are some good elements available for webmasters and designers coming with the tool;
– Webmasters can exchange the old, ugly pagerank buttons with this tool. A themed pagerank button is more web 2.0 compared with the old ones. They can feel being a part of something like adding firefox buttons etc…
– Designers or webmasters who have designer capabilities can send their own concept visuals to the Pagerank Visualization Tool creators as stated on the project page. As a webmaster or designer you can add/write your site name or url on the visuals. So when a website owner liked your visual your site name will be all over this website owner’s pages which means the concept creators can also gain exposure for their sites with the tool.