php|tek 2006

php|tek 2006 is php|architect’s newest conference, and will take place from April 26-28, 2006, at the Orlando Airport Marriott hotel in Orlando, Florida, with April 25th set aside for a set of in-depth seminars on special topics, such as the Zend Certification Exam and PHP Security.

This year’s topic is “$build->deploy->scale();”, highlighting PHP’s unique ability to provide a platform for the rapid development of prototypes that can be easily evolved into massive Internet applications. These, in turn, are capable of virtually unlimited scaling.

Our past conferences have drawn highly-renowned PHP core developers, and php|tek promises to follow this trend. Participating in php|tek will give you access to a unique perspective on how PHP works, and help you gain in-depth knowledge on its functionality.

In keeping with our tradition, php|tek features a good mix of theoretical and practical sessions, including our exclusive “Bring Your Own Laptop” hands-on tracks, where you can work on practical problems with world-class PHP experts.

This year’s theme is “$build->deploy->scale();”–a nod to PHP’s growing role in the rapid development of Internet applications of all sizes, from small to massive, covering a wide array of PHP-related topics. Regardless of the subject, we are partial to talks that tackle a specific issue in a thorough way, with a very pragmatic slant. Remember, attendees will come to the conference with the intent of learning something that they can take home and use in their daily lives–they are not necessarily interested in why things work, but they are definitely interested in how they work.

The deadline for submitting talk proposals is December 21, 2005. The speaker package includes free access to the conference, travel assistance and a stipend for each talk given. We invite you to submit as many proposals as you like, remembering to indicate the number of talks you would like to give.