Pomm, The Postgresql object model manager for PHP

Pomm is an open source database access framework in PHP dedicated to the Postgresqlâ„¢ database. It offers an alternative approach than ORM to using database in web applications developments. Imagine an ORM...

Sylius, the First eCommerce framework that grows with your business

Sylius is the first decoupled eCommerce framework based on Symfony and Doctrine. The highest quality of code, strong testing culture, built-in Agile (BDD) workflow and exceptional flexibility make it the best...

Zend Framework 2.3.8 and 2.4.1 Released

The Zend Framework community annonced the availability of two new edition of the framework : 2.3.8 and 2.4.1. These are the eighth and first feature releases, respectively, for these minor versions....

PHP-FIG, The PHP Framework Interoperability Group

After php|tek 2009, a number of PHP Frameworks developers launched a new initiative: PHP-FIG, the PHP Frameworks Interoperability Group. The idea is to  have projects representative members in the PHPFIG talk...

What’s New in Doctrine ORM 2.5

Doctrine 2.5, currently in beta, will drop support for PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 will become the minimum requirement enforced with composer. A Total of 21 improvements and new features have...

DooPHP, the Fastest MVC based PHP Framework

Here is a very new project that claims to be the fastest PHP Framework available. DooPHP is a rapid development framework for PHP using commonly known design patterns like MVC...
spotify symfony

New Spotify Symfony Artists website powered by PHP7

James Solomon, programmer at Spotify, announced the launch of the new Spotify Artists website powered by PHP 7, Symfony framework 3.1, and Contentful content management system. https://twitter.com/solomonjames/status/793825948801970177 Spotify Symfony Revenues are up 8.1%,...

Symfony 2.3.25 Maintenance Release Announced

Symfony 2.3.25 have just been released. The new maintenance release come with over twenty bug fixes and improvements. The latest Symfony branch is actually 2.7, and if you are looking for...

Symfony 3.4.45, 4.4.14, and 5.1.6 Released

Quick update from Symfony framework with three bug fixes releases 3.4.45, 5.1.6 and 4.4.14. The 3.4 branch release fixed lots of issues related to the Yaml parser, Validator, DateTime, Console, VarDumper,...

Symfony 4.2 new feature : wait until processes are ready

Maxime Veber shared today a very interesting feature in Symfony 4.2 to let your code wait for a process to finish before running another. The Symfony Process component executes commands taking...

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