Using YConnect with Node.js and YQL

Ryuichi Okumura have written an interesting piece on using YConnect with Node.js and YQL. YConnect is a new authorization system that is compatible with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, released last...

Sencha’s “HTML5 is Ready” App Contest Winners Announced

About three months ago, Sencha announced the HTML5 is Ready App Contest : The contest is simple: start with one of the six categories (based on default native apps found on most...

From Symfony to Laravel: A Developer’s Journey and Lessons Learned

He is very known for his work on PHP tools such as PHPStan, EasyCodingStandard, and PHP Rector. As a seasoned PHP developer, Tomas has worked with many frameworks and libraries over...

Marco switched to GoLang from PHP and Saved Money, why not you ?!

On the High Scalability blog an article titled Marco Arment Uses Go Instead of PHP and Saves Money by Cutting the Number of Servers in Half. You understand that by switching...

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