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Learn PHP

This category covers everything a beginner needs to know to get started with PHP programming. From the basics of syntax, control structures, functions, and debugging, readers can learn the fundamental concepts of PHP language to build web applications.

PHP Coding Puzzle 5 : Find the Length of the Longest Increasing Subsequence

Welcome to the fifth PHP coding puzzle ! You are given an array of integers, and you need to write a PHP function that will find the length of the longest...

PHP Coding Puzzle 3 : Find Contiguous Subarray with the Largest Sum

Welcome to the third PHP coding puzzle ! You are given an array of integers, and you need to write a PHP function that will find the largest sum of any...

PHP Coding Puzzle 9: Word Ladder

Welcome to the 9th PHP Coding Puzzle ! Word Ladder Game Game Description Word Ladder is a word game in which two players try to transform one word into another by changing one letter...

PHP Coding Puzzle 10 : Sudoku Game

Welcome to the 10th PHP Coding Puzzle ! The Sudoku Game The objective of Sudoku is to fill a 9x9 grid with numbers so that each row, column, and 3x3 sub-grid (or "box")...

PHP Coding Puzzle 4 : Find the Largest Sum of a Rectangular Submatrix

Welcome to the forth PHP coding puzzle ! You are given a matrix of integers, and you need to write a PHP function that will find the largest sum of any...

PHP Coding Puzzle 2 : Valid Parentheses Checker

Welcome to the second PHP coding puzzle ! You are given a string that contains only the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '', and you need to write a PHP function...

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