Waiting for PHP 8.0? Here are PHP 7.4.9, 7.3.21, and 7.2.33 !

It's one bug fix release and two security releases, the 7.4.9, 7.3.21, and 7.2.33. While the the first beta of PHP 8.0 have just been released. The usual comment : All PHP...
cakephp logo

CakePHP 3.10.0-RC1 Released

The CakePHP core team have just announced the immediate availability of CakePHP 3.10.0-RC1. This is the first release candidate for 3.10.0. It contains several new features. If no major issues are...

Symfony 5.2.3 released

Symfony 5.2.3 has just been released with about ten bugfixes. It's not really common to have only one release of Symfony, since the 5.1 branch is not supported anymore since last...

New Googling Magazine logo and website design

The second relooking on the list is already here, In the same spirit the Googling Magazine have today a new look, new logo and a new website design. Simple as it...

Symfony 4.4.15, 5.1.7 released with a Warning

Symfony 4.4.15 has just been released with a good list changes, but also with a warning that it could break your application if you’ve already updated your dependencies to the latest patch...

Symfony 5.2.5 Released

Symfony 5.2.5 has just been released with eight bugfixes and improvements. Bug fixed in the framework bundle, Mailer, TwigBridge, and Messenger. Few improvements also added to Backport psr/container 1.1/2.0 compatibility in...
MySQL 8.0.26

MySQL 8.0.26 and 5.7.35 Released

Two new version have just been announced MySQL 8.0.26 and 5.7.35 of the popular open source database management system in conjunction with the 8.0.26 Connector and Component products. MySQL Cluster 8.0.26 have...
composer php

Composer PHP 2.0.10 Released With a Warning

Version 2.0.10 of Composer PHP have just been released with lots of bugfixes and one warning for symfony/flex users, so make sure you update to this latest version. Composer PHP 2.0.10...

Second PHPMAGAZINE.NET Series launched

The second series of phpmagazine.net blogs have been launched today including five blogs. I have almost finished upgrading and will start working on the missing features by the beginning of next...

PHP 8.0.7 and 7.4.20 released!

Two new PHP versions released in town PHP 8.0.7 and 7.4.20 ! A security releases 7.4.20 and bugfix release 8.0.7. Changes in the 8.0 branch include multiple bug fix (19 in total) in...

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