Adobe released a new HTML5 tool for webdesigners in preview release : HTML5 Edge Reflow, available with a free Creative Cloud membership. The new tool allow designers to create responsive layouts using an intuitive user interface. Design simultaneously for different screen sizes using a visual workspace to set media query breakpoints. In the video below, Evangelist Paul Trani takes you through this new tool’s features :

Key features in Reflow include :

  • Flexible design approach
  • Edge Web Font integration
  • Visual media-query breakpoints
  • Multiple background layers
  • Multiple drop shadows
  • Border styles and customization
  • Fluid customizable grid system
  • Preview and Share your design

Reflow target web designers who wants to create responsive layouts and CSS visuals targeting the latest browsers. You will be able to design on a native web surface while accessing the latest CSS features, preview designs in real time using integration with Edge Inspect and extract CSS code and to hand off to developers.

More information at