Automattic released this year a new version of their theme Prologue, which used internally in the company to keep each other up to date. Microblogging is getting more and more popular in enterprise environment as communication platform mainly. Since WordPress provides already the necessary tools for blogging, so it’s obviously easier to add some restriction to make it suitable for microblogging. It’s not only about limiting posts to 140 characters, but also by providing edit-in-place functionality with Ajax quick reply and live notifications on the home page.
That’s everything you need to communicate without having to visit the dashboard. P2 provides also threaded comments, live tags suggestions, show/hide feature for comments, and handy keyboard shortcuts for more accessibility from your keyboard. An interesting new experience if you are looking for an easy to use microblogging tool and of course if you are already familiar with wordpress platform. See below a video from showing different P2 capabilities. Demo is available here.

P2 is available in the themes directory, or directly under Appearance > Themes for users.