The PEAR election is over, PEAR Group team, which will be the governing body of the project, now officially include 8 members : Martin Jansen, Arnaud Limbourg, Joshua Eichorn, Christian Weiske, Helgi Thormar, Paul M. Jones, Justin Patrin, and David Coallier. The elected group will be able to decide about the future of the project according to the new constitution. Notice that this is more about the organisations of the group, and who is able to take major decisions, but will not affect a lot the PEAR project as coding or as project itself. From the constitution summary :

The PEAR Group only has power over issues that affect all of PEAR such as coding standards, CVS karma, and all major decisions made about PEAR as a whole. For example, licenses allowed and what defines a collective are two issues that only the PEAR Group can resolve.

Joshua, who is now a member of the group, called for comments to share ideas and would you improve the PEAR project. Hope to see some important changes in the future to make people profit more from the PEAR project and make packages adoption more easy for enterprise.