Today I needed to install PEAR again on my machine and was surprised when it failed to install PEAR itself. I have the latest PHP4 installed v4.4.4 if someone can explain me the error message cause I didn’t understand it :

The solution was go-pear, without the www. Download the latest version available on server and update then install again. It should work fine, I was just wondering why all other packages installed correctly except the main PEAR package ?

The second issue I faced today was installing the SOAP package, easy :

pear install –alldeps SOAP

But here is what the pear installer return :

Failed to download pear/SOAP within preferred state “stable”, latest release is version 0.9.4, stability “beta”, use “channel://” to install Cannot initialize ‘SOAP’, invalid or missing package file Package “SOAP” is not valid install failed

Ok so SOAP package is still in beta, no if I want to install it anyway :

pear install –alldeps SOAP-0.9.4

It install SOAP package correctly with all its dependencies, except for NET_DIME and for the same reason. The package still in beta ! If I requested to install a beta package, I don’t mind if a dependency is available in beta too. Anyway Greg Beaver when he wrote The PEAR Installer Manifesto, I think he did the right thing to make a great resource available while working with the PEAR installer. A bon entendeur.