Mark W. Lewis have collected the top 10 lies told to naive artists and designers and I find it very true ! Check it out and be aware.
1- “Do this one cheap (or free) and we’ll make it up on the next one.”
2- “We never pay a cent until we see the final product.”
3- “Do this for us and you’ll get great exposure! The jobs will just pour in!”
4- On looking at sketches or concepts: “Well, we aren’t sure if we want to use you yet, but leave your material here so I can talk to my partner/investor/wife/clergy.”
5- “Well, the job isn’t CANCELLED, just delayed. Keep the account open and we’ll continue in a month or two.”
6- “Contract? We don’t need no stinking contact! Aren’t we friends?”
7- “Send me a bill after the work goes to press.”
8- “The last guy did it for XXX dollars.”
9- “Our budget is XXX dollars, firm.”
10- “We are having financial problems. Give us the work, we’ll make some money and we’ll pay you. Simple.”