by Sarah Milstein, Jude Biersdorfer, Rael Dornfest, Matthew MacDonald

Google: The Missing Manual, Second Edition, have been reviewed on slashdot. The book published by O’Reilly Media, Inc and written by Sarah Milstein, Jude Biersdorfer, Rael Dornfest, Matthew MacDonald, cover in its 463 pages many of the Google services, with two new services have been added in this second edition Google Analytics and Gmail.
The first part of the book talk about the main Google search feature and everything wich could help you to better search, then the second part which is 200 pages long covers all the user features other than GMail and the basic search box. Depending on how you count them, there are over a dozen different services described, including desktop, image, news, and print search, shopping with Froogle, Google Local (which has absorbed maps), Groups, Answers, and the wireless and SMS interfaces. Browser features include searching from the sidebar, address bar, toolbar, Googlebar, buttons and bookmarklets. Graeme Williams, who wrote the review conclude with :

Despite the fact that some of the material in the book is out-of-date, I think everyone will find this book useful. When we get into a rut using programs and services in the same old way every time, we need a hard push to explore new features, and Google: The Missing Manual is just the thing to help learn more about Google. If you don’t use Google, you should read it to find out all the neat features you’re missing out on. If you DO use Google, you should read it to find out all the neat features you’re not taking advantage of.”