Dynamic Drive CSS Library is a really great resources for designers and developers. The library is a collection of CSS codes and examples such as CSS menus, breadcrumbs, image galleries to enhance a site visually. Available codes are original, practical and very well explained to be easily integrated in your website.

I’m very excited to announce the launch of a new section here on Dynamic Drive- Dynamic Drive CSS Library! Since our site was first launched in 1998, we’ve always strived to have our two feet planted in the real world as we provide practical, usable DHTML scripts for your site. Like any technology, the definition of DHTML has been evolving over the past few years, with one component of DHTML- CSS- really maturing. What was once possible only through scripting can now sometimes be accomplished with CSS alone, especially basic menu interfaces. In these cases, it makes sense to resort to CSS to accomplish the desired task, as CSS generally translates into lighter, easier to maintain, and more search engine friendly code.