Last month Google have acquired 3D Design Program SketchUp, by @Last Software, an interesting acquisition that could help to make the world in 3D ! Google offering two version of SketchUp, the first one is free for personal use only and the second commercial with advanced features such exploring complex design ideas, import and export a host of file formats, create interactive presentations, and print to high-resolution devices….
The total download file is about 19.1MB, I just download it to give it a try and I’ll tell you later how it looks like. I’m already very excited since I didn’t make anything in 3D since years, I was using always Blender3D for everything, it’s complex as tool but very small and powerful ! Are you ready to Model your world ? there is a set of additional resources examples, tutorials, documentation and more at the sketchUp website, also you may check how to integrate SketchUp models in Google Earth, because it’s one of the main reasons behind buying this new software.