Google rolled out new finance website Google Finance. The new service include in the home page Market Summary, Today’s Headlines, Recent Quotes and Related News. Google Finance have also detailed information for example if you lookup for GOOG you can see a detailed graph linked with news, and you can follow the effect of news on evolution of price. There is also facts about the company, summary, Company Financials, Management, Related Companies, Blog Posts, Discussions and more resources.

Google Finance is an early beta product that offers a broad range of information about North American stocks, mutual funds and public and private companies along with charts, news and fundamental financial data.

Google won’t create their own financial data, but the service will be based on services like Reuters, Hoovers and Morningstar. Google Finance will be a compilation of news and information that will certainly attract a lot of visitors and compete with the two giants Yahoo! and MSN which provide already finance service.
Google finance offer also a feature to enter your portfolio and follow the changes directly from the website. Portfolio is managed manually by entering the Symbol, Price and Shares that you own, then you can see the total investment, Gain/Loss … etc. and you can track up to 200 stock in your portfolio. Google Finance is currently available in North America only, but it will be certainly expanded to other countries in the future and include more possibility to customize the service.
The new service won’t include ads in its beta release, but it will be a great new beta experience for people interested into finance information ala Google.