Google have just added today a new feature in Gmail allowing to chat directly from Gmail. Currently you can only save your conversation in Gmail, and then later you can customize a contact box to chat directly with your Friend from Gmail.

Communications these days can be frustrating. You exchange a bunch of emails with someone when really, you’d rather just get an answer instantly. You use one program for your email, and another one (or two or three) for IM. You can’t remember who said what to you where. And sometimes you can’t even remember who wallaby385 in your buddy list is.
Gmail’s chat features address a lot of these problems. You don’t have to use another program or switch between email and IM–it’s all on the same interface. The friends you’re already emailing the most show up in your Quick Contacts as themselves, not the cryptic IM names they chose six years ago. And you can save your chats so you never have to lose something important just because someone told it to you over IM.