eZ components is an enterprise ready general purpose PHP platform. As a collection of high quality independent building blocks for PHP application development eZ components will both speed up development and reduce risks. What is interesting with eZcomponents is that it’s developped for the future, currently require PHP 5.1 and the locale package will require a Unicode enabled version of PHP and so probably PHP 6.
Currently eZ components 1.0 stable is available for download. A complete documentation is available also with all the necessary details to install and try the features that have been implemented in this release.

eZ components list
eZcomponents implement a large set of PHP components which include :
Allows you to extract and create archive files, such as .tar (ustar, v7tar and gnutar) and .zip
A solution for caching, supporting multiple backends allowing you to specify the best performing solution for your caching-problem.
A component that allows you to use configuration files in different formats.
The formats include the standard .ini file, and an array based format.
A set of classes to do different actions with the console (also called shell). It can render a progress bar, tables and a status bar and contains a class for parsing command line options.
A lightweight database layer on to of PHP’s PDO that allows you to utilize a database without having to take care of differences in SQL dialects.
A set of classes that allow you to extract information from a database schema, compare database schemas and apply a set of changes to a database schema. (Future version)
This components provides a set of classes that help you to debug an application. It provides timers and report generators for different formats
that give a summary of warnings and errors that occurred within your application.
Allows you to log events into files or other storage spaces in different formats.
Provides functionality to give feedback to your application’s users when a fatal error happened or an uncaught exception was thrown.
Provides support for file operations which are not covered by PHP or are just missing. (Future version)
This class allows you to analyse image files in different ways. At least the MIME type of the file is returned. In some cases (JPEG, TIFF and GIF) additional information is gathered as well.
A set of classes to apply different filters on images, such as colour changes, resizing and special effects.
The components allows you construct Mail messages conforming to the RFCs. It has support for attachments, multipart messages and HTML mail. It also interfaces with SMTP to send the e-mail.
This component allows you to store an arbitrary data structures to a fixed database table. The component provides all the functionality needed to fetch, list, delete etc these datastructures.
Provides a simple interface for creating PHP files and executing PHP code.
Provides access to common system variables, such as CPU type and speed, and the available amount of memory. (Future version)
A fully functional Templating system, supporting template compilation in different levels, user defined functions and operators, an optimizer, output escaping for different output handlers to prevent XSS and other security problems and a plug in system for extra functionality (such as a Translation system). (Future version)
A component that reads XML translation definitions (the Qt Linguist format), supports caching of translation contexts and presents you with a class to apply translations to strings. A filter system allows you to transform translation definitions for special use.
A component that assists you to safely user input variables coming into your application. It builds on top of PHP’s filter extension and extends it by providing a more inituitive API.
For more information : http://ez.no/products/ez_components