By welcoming a new year, we remember one year ago how was the firefox project, the number of great extensions, themes and plugins that have been developped during this year… The effort of the SpreadFirefox which gone from a newspaper ad to a television ad, more innovative marketing ideas which is giving more success to firefox. But it’s not only about Marketing, firefox is already at its version 1.5, and a draft of what will be done for the version 2.0 have been already published.
In addition to the great extensions that have been created to add more power to Firefox. I’m trying to make a selection of the best extensions not based on their popularity but on their features and innovative ideas. I didn’t want to make a big list as much as more useful one.

Best of Overall
1- Greasmonkey, the firefox hacker
2- Fasterfox, performance and network tweaks for Firefox
1- Performancing for Firefox, post to your blog directly from Firefox
2- extension, bookmarks enhancement with
Firefox utils
1- Session Saver, save your current session
2- Minimize to tray, minimize Firefox to tray
3- Accessibar Project, a very accessible toolbar
Web Development Tools
1- Nandu, advanced WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Mozilla browsers
2- HTML Validator, make HTML validation very easily from Firefox
3- MeasureIt, make useful measurments directly on a web page.
4- Screen grab!, simply take screenshot of the web.
5- Tamper Data, view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters…
6- View Rendered Source Chart
1- FireFTP, FTP client for Firefox
2- ChatZilla, IRC chat client for firefox
1- FoxyTunes, take control of your favorite media player from firefox
2- Cards, Collection of Card games
3- Gmail Space, use Gmail as a remote storage
4- ReminderFox, your Firefox reminder