The new official domain for Oracle PHP Magazine is now, we have moved to a new publishing plateform and started moving all our blogs. All links will be redirected to the subdomain inspite of the main website.
There is few things that still not up in this new design, that we’ll try to fix in the next days. I’m still absorbed by the work and personal stuff, but I’ll be more active soon. I have played days ago with Oracle XE, in my job I usually work with oracle but never on the administration part, so it was interesting to have an oracle database working on my box, I install it at home also on my laptop to test it.

What’s new with this new edition, is that we have tweak the design, pages are now served faster. I’m still experimenting the new system because we have installedtwo days ago and moved only the few blogs at this time. There is lot of great features and ideas that I’d like to share even with this system itself.
Anyway welcome again on the Oracle PHP Magazine