This is the second update of the VoiceXML PHP framework, I just fixed the
naviguator module and added two sample applications to show its usage.

The first I have already talked about it in the Dynamic VoiceXML and PHP for
entreprise, and the second one is just a very simple implementation of music
VoiceXML service. The idea is to have in a folder called "audio" different audio files organized in sub folders.

The sub folder name will represent the category of music for example : hip
hop, classic, country, pop … etc. Under these folders you just put music files
you want. To run this application you just have to create your audio folder and
copy there the audio files that you want to offer and the application will do
the necessary.

The navigator module will read the categories in first time and ask the user
to choose by saying : Next,Previous, Repeat or Select. If a category is choosed
the application is redirected to the second level which read to the end user
available audio files. Then the user will have to enter a number between 1 and
the available music under that category.

This is a second sample of using the VoiceXML Naviguator module, even the
second part of the application could be done using this module very easily. The
application is tested and validated compatible VoiceXML 2.0.

Changes in version 2.0 beta2

  • Introduced Naviguator module
  • Added two application for the naviguator : musica and naviguate

Download VoiceXML PHP Framework 2.0 beta2