“The hosted model has reinvigorated a market that failed to grow over the past several years,” said Rob Bois, senior research analyst at AMR Research. “It has changed the whole perception of customer management with faster implementations, quicker time-to-value and easy customization.”

AMR Research published a report suggesting that the hosted model has reached “prime time” as a delivery method for CRM applications, in fact Sales of hosted customer relationship management (CRM) applications more than doubled last year.

Hosted CRM represent also the future of CRM solutions specially for big companies that manage subsidiaries around the country or around the world.

The benefic of hosted CRM solutions that the service is accessible worldwide via extranet, companies will take benefit from other companies experience in CRM due to the development and improvement shared on the same application.

Salesforce and RightNow Technologies are the two main actors who enjoyed 97 percent and 83 percent growth rates respectively. According to the study, Salesforce.com rocketed from number 22 to 12 in terms of total CRM revenue. However, AMR noted that the market is still led by traditional installed-base application vendors.Source CRM Daily