One of the things that still worried me with PHPVoice project is that it is still “very experimental” even when I released some specific applications for entreprise and some advanced modules that makes development much easier.

The idea is to give PHPVoice a higher level of flexibility and make VoiceXML application development much more easier with more features … etc.

VoiceXML PHP framework

I have made yesterday this small graphics that explain a little what I was trying to do, mainly there is :

  • VoiceXML classes and different voicexml modules
  • Database abstraction layer
  • Logging layer
  • Debug layer
  • Application controller
  • Template engine

The templating engine is for the backend development, this will be for the next version. The current version will include as usual the VoiceXML classes and modules. The database abstraction layer so you have the choice between the database type to use. The debug layer I have introduce it recently with the VoiceXML debug class which aims to provide voice debug message inspite of text ones. And finally the logging layer which keep a track of error messages in your system.

The application controller is inspired from the MVC pattern, but here I just need the action part while the views are done via the VoiceXML class. VoiceXML applications are grouped in an application folder with a specific structure for the code.

I’ll try to finish in the next days the changes in Voicexml modules and add some new ones, then I’ll release the new beta framework for public under PHP licence.