As a professionnal IT consultant and web developer I’m always interested in Search Engine Optimization techniques. Businesses interested to target audience fron internet and search engines should first start from the beginning and prepare the ground before building a skyscraper.

What is great with search Engine optimization is that you can always optimize to get a better placement in search results for certain strategic keywords.

I can give you the examples of many companies I know that make great progress thanks to search Engine optimization to become listed in the beginning of search engines, which make them more visits, more sales, notority, interest from investors … Sometimes small tips could be decisif for companies presence on internet.

Search Engine Optimization techniques are very variant as I have said and depend from a website to another, from business to another. Its different to do optimization on a running website on production server since years, to do them on a new one not yet launched.

The content we want to optimize matter, the way we make its presentation also. Professionnals generally know how search engines works and know how to write content so it will be well indexed.

I’ll try to talk in the next articles about the different kind of search engines Optimization techniques and we’ll see also the behavior or search engines towards your content… etc. This was just an introduction to a suite of articles I’m writing to give tips and techniques to get the better placement.