ezPDO, the solution for PHP 5 Object Relational Mapping and Data Persistence, hav released a new update with lot of fixes and enhancements. The new features include :

  • Inverse of a relationship var : A relationship variable can have a variable as its inverse in its related class. When two variables are specified as inverses of one another, they can be used to form bidirectional links. An update to one variable will automatically trigger a corresponding update to the other variable, maintaining consistency between the fields.
  • A new method epGetClass() is added the epObject interface for easy reflection

  • Relax EZOQL so table aliases aren’t needed : One may challenge the necessity of using the aliases (the as clauses). They are indeed not required. The following three statements work exactly the same way.

    $books = $m->find("from Book as book where book.title like ? order by book.uuid desc", $title);
    $books = $m->find("from Book where Book.title like ? order by Book.uuid desc", $title);
    $books = $m->find("from Book where title like ? order by uuid desc", $title);
  • Inheritance
  • Use SimpleXML to parse config.xml