Joshua Eichorn posted a HTML_AJAX proposal on Pear pepr. Its goal is to over OO javascript proxy and proxyless operation. Sync and Async AJAX calls, with an optional JS library offering things like a content replacement api. It should be usable in a server style setup (JPSpan) or directly in a page (Sajax). Its curently doing all communication using JSON, but that might change if someone sees a good reason.

An alpha release is available for download . The current feature set is:

  • Ability to register multiple classes on one page
  • JSON is used for communication in both directions (I made add JPSpan xml from JavaScript to server as well)
  • Class are exposed to Javascript as classes
  • POST is used for sending requests
  • Decent JavaScript error handling (right now there is an alert catch on the errors, but we might just leave the exceptions alone at some point)

Via There and Back Again