John Coggeshall has a post after some absence, looks he was quite busy about Code Coverage Support for PHP 5.

Code coverage is basically the idea that when I execute an application I want to know exactly which lines of code got executed. When you put that in the context of a test suite, it can tell you exactly how effective your test suite is at testing your code base. That’s what I’ve come up with PHP, all I need is for PHP 5.1 to branch in CVS before I commit my patches.

For those of you who are curious, PHP’s test suite covers roughly 48% of the code base — which I’m told since we’ve never actually had a number to go with this before is a pretty good start. If you’d like to see a line-by-line analysis of what extensions are best tested, check out this great HTML report of a line-by-line analysis of covered code.

Looks like a great tool, I can’t wait too to see it working in cvs, it could give lot of informations about current PHP extensions … etc.