Sponsored Post: NetShiftMedia have a great Regular Expression Tool and Library to test live your regular expressions. The page provide a collection of ready to use test cases for example if you want to validate date, decimal number, document filenames, email address, html color, IP address, MySQL date, URL … etc. All you have to do is to click the Test link and start testing live the expression.
Some expressions are provided as example and don’t validate correctly for example the case of the URL which is limited to (com|org|net|mil|edu|ca|co.uk|com.au|gov) domains and I think it’s difficult to add all the extensions, in this case the domain list can be simply replaced with ([a-z]{2,4}) which include domains with two, three and four letters. Of course this will validate also a domain name such “.comm” which doesn’t exist, but as regex that’s a correct validation.
I love to play with regex so I prefer if this was provided as bookmarklet to easily use it from browser, otherwise I find it a great idea to provide Regex library feed to monitor in case something new was added. So if you are fan of Regular expressions you will probably be interested to test some regex live and see if it works. If it will be possible to save a regex directly in the tool I think it will be much better to make the library update more frequently. Hope this was useful.