A Parser for PHP written in Go ?

You should be familiar with PHP projects written in plain PHP, or in C++, but what about a parser for the PHP programming language written in Go! ? Kind of crazy...

Faster code Vs faster coding

The eternal question that new PHP developers always ask me is : which is better faster code or faster coding ? And the new question is why choosing PHP for my...

Practice Design Patterns in PHP

DesignPatternsPHP is a collection of known design patterns and some sample code how to implement them in PHP. Every pattern has a small list of examples (most of them from Zend...

Parsica, Easiest Way to Build Robust Parsers in PHP.

Parsica, PHP Parser Combinators, is the easiest way to build robust parsers in PHP. A parser is a function that takes some unstructured input (like a string) and turns it into...

Why Symfony Framework is leaving PHP-FIG

Yesterday, Fabien Potencier submitted a pull request to the PHP-FIG requesting to remove Symfony with a note : "no description provided". According to Fabien, everything seems to be great with the...

How to choose a PHP Framework for your project ?

Choosing the right PHP framework for your project can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to web development or have limited experience with PHP. In this article, we'll guide...

Build PHP Extensions Easily with Zephir

Zephir - Ze(nd Engine) Ph(p) I(nt)r(mediate) - is a high level language that eases the creation and maintainability of PHP extensions. Zephir extensions are exported to C code that can be...

PPM, process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications

PHP-PM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for PHP applications. Based on ReactPHP and works best with applications that use request-response frameworks like Symfony's HTTPKernel. The approach of this is to...

PHP Parallel 1.0.0 Released, the Concurrency API for PHP7

Joe Watkins have just announced the availability of Parallel 1.0.0 for PHP, the succinct parallel concurrency API for PHP7. Now you can easily write a web crawler in PHP or do...

Casbin, Powerful and Efficient ACL for Your Projects

Casbin is an authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for Golang, Java, PHP and Node.js. The PHP version have been recently released and provides support for Laravel,...

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