Peachpie, The PHP Compiler and Runtime for .NET

Peachpie is a modern PHP compiler based on Roslyn by Microsoft and drawing from our popular Phalanger project. It allows PHP to be executed within the .NET framework, thereby opening the...

Humbug: Mutation Testing for PHP

Pádraic Brady announced in a blog post Hambug, a mutation testing framework for PHP. Basically Hambug injects errors in your original code trying to emulate programmers errors then check whether your...

Phan, Static Analyzer for PHP

Phan is a static analyzer for PHP that prefers to minimize false-positives. Phan attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness. It looks for common issues and will verify type compatibility on various...

Why Symfony Framework is leaving PHP-FIG

Yesterday, Fabien Potencier submitted a pull request to the PHP-FIG requesting to remove Symfony with a note : "no description provided". According to Fabien, everything seems to be great with the...

Top Five PHP Libraries to Boost Code Quality

Day by day you will get more and more familiar with PHP coding standards and your code quality will be perfect by default... And if that day is not happening yet,...

A Parser for PHP written in Go ?

You should be familiar with PHP projects written in plain PHP, or in C++, but what about a parser for the PHP programming language written in Go! ? Kind of crazy...

GrumPHP, code quality tool 1.0.0 released

GrumPHP is a code quality tool for PHP, available as a composer plugin under an MIT license. GrumPHP will register some git hooks in your package repository. When somebody commits...

New Experimental PHP WASM Extension

Ivan Enderlin announced today a new experimental PHP-ext-WASM extension that will let you natively execute WASM binary in PHP through Rust. The code is more a proof of concept, but more...
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Lesson learned from PHPUnit 9.3 and Nikita’s PHP Parser

Sebastian Bergmann, author of PHPUnit, shared an interesting story on phpcc about his experience with caching in PHPUnit. The idea is that caching usually is a solution for making things faster,...

Practice Design Patterns in PHP

DesignPatternsPHP is a collection of known design patterns and some sample code how to implement them in PHP. Every pattern has a small list of examples (most of them from Zend...

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