Lightning PHP Conference
The inaugural Lightning PHP Conference
- this one day event will be held in Tampa, Florida on Friday, October 4th, 2019.
We look forward to an incredible day of learning, networking, and fun...
SymfonyTour 2019 Announced
Symfony announced SymfonyTour 2019, conferences in 3 continents, and 8 countries. SymfonyLive conferences will be organized for the first time in Tunisia, Brazil, and Poland, in addition to the yearly conferences...
Laracon US 2019 Venue and Dates Announced
Laracon VII is coming to Playstation Theater in Times Square, NYC on July 24th-25th, 2019! Taylor Otwell made the announcement today with a sweet website by Jack McDade:
No details on speakers or ticket prices are...
#CWChat session invites Manuel Lemos, on Building your own business as software developer
Cloudways #CWChat will have an exclusive chat session with my friend Manuel Lemos Founder and Developer at and the topic will be about building your own business as software developer....
2022 Global Testing Summit
Get ready to start your engines ! the 2022 Global testing summit is almost here, scheduled for the 6 and 7th December, 2022 so you can head into 2023 with a...
First Symfony Meetup in India
The very first Symfony Meetup is going to be organized in India by Webkul on 15th Dec 2018. You can exchange ideas and talk about code, architecture, innovation, and this world-class...