HexagonalJS, Single Page Apps Clean Architecture

This week a new JavaScript "idea" have been released, HexagonalJS, a Non-framework approach to JavaScript apps - it's not even a library. Jan Filipowski explained the basic idea behind this library,...

Web Cryptography API on Securing JavaScript

One of the latest development for a more secure JavaScript, is the Web Cryptography API by the W3C. The latest working draft released on January 8th, 2013, describes a JavaScript API...

React v16.6.0 Released with lazy, memo and contextType

React released version 16.6 with a few new convenient features. A form of PureComponent/shouldComponentUpdate for function components, a way to do code splitting using Suspense and an easier way to consume Context...

MathJax, Beautiful math in all browsers

MathJax is a JavaScript library that allow to render all your mathematics right from a simple web browser ! MathJax is very easy to use, you have only to include the...

dhtmlxChart JavaScript Charts Component Released

Dhtmlx team is currently preparing a major upgrade of its Ajax UI toolkit, and as a part of this upgrade some new components will be made available. One of new products...

turbo.js : Massive Parallel Computations in your Browser with GPGPU

turbo.js is a small library that makes it easier to perform complex calculations that can be done in parallel. The actual calculation performed (the kernel executed) uses the GPU for execution....

dhtmlxScheduler v2.3 Released, Map View, Tooltips, Enhanced TimeLine View, and More

DHTMLX announced the new update of dhtmlxScheduler, a JavaScript written Ajax calendar that allows developers to incorporate web-based interface for managing events and schedules. New version 2.3 introduces a number of...
tau prolog

Tau Prolog, an Amazing Prolog Interpreter Fully In JavaScript

Prolog is a logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics, you might never heard about it in the web development but this was my favorite "artificial intelligence" programming...

Visx, low-level visualization primitives for React by Airbnb

Visx is a collection of expressive, low-level visualization primitives for React. The goal was to unify their visualization stack across the company and in the process, so they created a new...

Twitter Open Sourced their jQuery Autocomplete plugin Typeahead.js

On the twitter engineering blog, Twitter opensource typeahead.js, a fast and battle-tested jQuery plugin for auto completion. The plugin source code is available now on GitHub under the MIT license. By sharing...

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