What about a Slashdot redesign ?

Today have been announced the winners of the slashdot redesign contest, and the winning design which will replace the current slashdot design ! Certainly slashdot have been for years one of...

Optimize Optimize …

The PHP community responded actively to a some PHP optimization tips posted by Google in the series Let's make the web faster. We pointed previously to Marco's article stop telling people to...

March Of Security

It's not the number of bugs and vulnerabilities that will decide if a software is harmful or no, but the time that these vulnerabilities remain unfixed. The month of PHP bugs is...

How Canny.io built a $1m ARR SaaS Startup

This post is not about PHP, obviously, we cannot see such a beautiful story without talking about it; big thanks Sarah Hum for sharing it. It's the story of a little red...

The Return of PHPMagazine.net

We are finally back after a long absence ! some vacations, but especially due to an accident of the magazine's editor about two months ago, and thanks to god I'm alive...

PHP For Kids

Why it's always Basic that is teached for kids to give them the first steps into computer programming ? Why there is not a PHP for kids, a minimal edition of...

Why Web 2.0 Companies Fail ?

This weekend Michael Arrington (Techcrunch) pointed to the failure of Fold.com, one of the web 2.0 websites which aims to provide a personalized AJAX home page similar to Google

2006 Web Trends

By the end of 2006 we'll certainly talk about trends in web application development, internet technologies, and so on. There is no doubt that 2006 was the year of AJAX and...

Images Recognition

I was reading recently an interview with S

Open QR Code

I used to deal with Barcodes very frequently and really faced lot of times many difficulties to scan my barcode, or to use it in other applications. Of course without talking...

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