WebMesh framework version 0.11.2 have just been released, based strongly in PHP5 and proposes a standard structure for PHP projects with intention of:
– Force a better organization of the your project classes.
– Encorage the usage of the PHP version 5.
– Increase the code reuse level
– Becomes it a collaborative framework, in other words, which all contribute with new classes, abstrations, libraries, modules or frameworks to be integrated it.
WebMesh is similar to the Geronimo project idea and more friendly to the Java adopts. This project also includes two example projects to show the framework functionalities:
– A simple system with login/logout (webmesh-example_0.11.2).
– A newsletter sender (newsletter_1.1).

The project offers an API with several abstractions to facilitate the application development and a MVC pattern (Model2) implementation using Smarty in the View. Some of the abstrations include :
– Date and time manipulating
– Collection classes as ArrayList, HashMap, ListIterator, Queue, Stack and LinkedList
– Manipulating, reading and writing files
– Simple and attachment send mail
– Gereric TCP/IP client and servers sockets
– HTTP request and response classes as HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpSession and HttpService
– Database manipulating using ADOdb and dataobject
– Manipulating images and creation of thumbnails or watermarks
– Classes to represent HTML components such as ComboBox, MultiSelectionList, Table, Tree and HtmlPage
You can read more about WebMesh PHP Framework at sourceforge, released under a GPL license.