Archive streaming library for PSR-7
ArchiveStream Message Body provides a memory efficient package for streaming Zip files as PSR-7 message. The package require PHP >=5.6.0, gmp extension, and psr/http-message. The only limitation is that only the...
Language Detection Library for PHP
In a linguistic diversity on the internet report published by UNESCO in 2009 it is noticed a steady year-on-year decline in the percentage of webpages in English from 75% in 1998 to 45% in 2005....
WxPHP Crossplatform GUI Library for PHP Apps
WxPHP (wxWidgets for PHP) is a cross-platform library which gives you the ability to develop desktop applications using the PHP programming language. This applications can be executed on Windows, Linux and...
VS.Php 2.7 Released with Silverlight Integration released today VS.Php 2.7 for Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2005. New features in this release :
Silverlight 3 tools intergationImproved IIS 7 and IIS 7.5 integrationNew built-in web server...
Twitter Data and PHP
Alexey Zakhlestins created php-twitterdata, a small library for working with Twitter data in PHP. The idea is to embded machine-readable data in twitter that could be parsed and used in other...
Inspekt, Input Filtering And Validation Library For PHP5
Inspekt is a PHP library that makes it easier to write secure web applications, and released under New BSD License. Inspekt acts as a sort of 'firewall' API between user input...
Flourish, A Developer-Friendly PHP5 Library
Flourish is an object-oriented PHP 5 library designed to reduce code and improve security. It
Spoon, PHP5 Library
Spoon is a PHP5 library that stands for speed, both in page execution and coding agility. Because of it's clear and logical structure, it offers a very small learning curve for...
Thrift, Facebook’s Cross-Language Library
Facebook released Thrift, an open source software framework for scalable cross-language services development. It combines a powerful software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and...
Zend Google Data Client Library
Zend has released Google Data Client Library Preview Release 0.2.0. Google Data Client Library is a PHP 5 component that enables PHP applications to run queries and commands against Google Data...