Advanced Topics

This category covers advanced PHP topics such as OOP, design patterns, database, web services, and emerging technologies. Readers can learn how to leverage advanced PHP techniques to build scalable and robust web applications.

Dynamic Converter, Multi-Currency e-Commerce Solution

Sponsored Post: Multi-Currency support in e-Commerce websites is very important for those looking to target international sales, and many customers during their shopping used to check external currency converters to know...

Zend Google Data Client Library

Zend has released Google Data Client Library Preview Release 0.2.0. Google Data Client Library is a PHP 5 component that enables PHP applications to run queries and commands against Google Data...
Javascript chess engine

First implementation of a JavaScript chess engine

Today Morfik released version 0.4 of the Morfik JavaScript Chess engine. This version uses a chess engine developed with WebOS AppsBuilder using Object Pascal and which is compiled into pure JavaScript and HTML so...

Minimo, Firefox browser for mobile phones

I was wondering if IE and Opera was enough for testing, then I remembered that Firefox exist also for mobile, geeee !! Minimo is the firefox browser for mobile phones, small...

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

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