Hatem Ben Yacoub

PHP expert, certified ZCE, Energy engineer, Entrepreneur, ICT & eGov consultant, Senior Systems architect. International Open Data expert and Open Source evangelist.

Getting Started with Bref: Deploying Serverless PHP Applications on AWS Lambda

Serverless computing has become a popular approach for building scalable and cost-effective applications. With serverless, you can focus on writing code without worrying about managing servers, infrastructure, and scaling....

PHP Coding Puzzle 8 : Tic Tac Toe Game

Welcome to the 8th PHP Coding Puzzle ! Tic Tac Toe Game Game Description Tic Tac Toe is a two-player game played on a 3x3 grid. The two players take turns placing...

PHP Design Patterns Game : The Observer Pattern

Welcome to our series of articles on PHP Design Patterns Games! In this article, we'll be exploring another popular design pattern, the Observer Pattern. This behavioral pattern is used...

A Beginner’s Guide to Business Management for Freelancers

As a freelancer, you are not just responsible for delivering high-quality work to clients; you are also running a business. Business management may seem daunting, but it's essential to...

PHP Coding Puzzle 7 : The Hangman game

Welcome to the 7th PHP Coding puzzle ! Game Title: "Hangman" Objective: The goal of the game is to guess a hidden word one letter at a time. Gameplay: The game begins by...