Bref 2.0, the serverless framework for PHP has just been released. Matthieu, author of Bref, in addition to many contributors started working on Bref 2.0 around 1.5 years ago, and the latest stable release has over 700 commits. Bref has been installed over 2 million times and currently powers over 10 billion Lambda executions every month, which equates to 1 in every 1000 AWS Lambda executions.

The latest release offers several new features, including a simpler serverless.yml configuration, revamped Laravel integration, ARM/Graviton support for faster processors with lower Lambda costs, faster deployments by default, and simpler vendor/bin/bref CLI. Additionally, the new release offers support for PHP constructs for AWS CDK and automatically loads secrets in environment variables at runtime.

Bref 2.0 allows configuration of the runtime and PHP version in a simpler way in serverless.yml, which is optional as Bref v1 syntax still works. The latest release also requires PHP 8.0+ (7.4 support is dropped) and Serverless Framework v3, and the separateVendor option in serverless.yml has been removed. Bref 2.0 also offers improved Laravel integration with automatic config caching, maintenance mode, storage directory moved entirely to /tmp, and more. Laravel Queues are supported better with Bref 2.0 as it follows the official behavior of Laravel Queues.

More information about Bref 2.0 release here. Official Bref website :


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