
JetBrains has announced the release of PhpStorm 2023.1 Beta, which includes new additions to the PHP debugger. The debugger now allows users to view conditional values ahead of time and dim out runtime-unreachable code. The Data Flow Analysis (DFA) debugger enables users to see branches of code that will never be executed ahead of time, without going through the code step by step.

Debugger with DFA

Users who prefer Xdebug for debugging PHP applications will now have access to this advanced feature. The DFA feature can be turned off during debugging by right-clicking on any precomputed value inlay, or it can be turned off permanently under Preferences/Settings | PHP | Debug | Xdebug.

Currently, PhpStorm does not precompute property values due to technical limitations, but JetBrains plans to work on this in the future. The Beta build is part of the Early Access Program and can be downloaded for free and installed alongside a stable version of PhpStorm.

Download PHPStorm 2023.1 beta

Complete list of changes in the release notes.