statamic logo 2021

Statamic is a very original open source content management system (CMS) platform that aims to build beautiful, easy to manage websites. The solution powered by Laravel framework, opinionated but configurable platform, so to be able to work with it you need to understand the principles that they follow while designing features and conventions to help train your intuition and understanding of how to take advantage of its conventions.

Following these conventions will make switching between multiple sites trivial, reducing learning curve. You’ll know right where everything is. Sometimes these conventions don’t fit, or you have your own way of doing things you’re already perfectly happy with. That’s fine. Their conventions can usually be configured, overridden, or ignored.

It is open source as me previously mentioned, however it’s under a custom open source license where you cannot plagiarize, cannot use the same license on more than one project, cannot alter the licensing features, the code is not for reuse, and finally any use of the Software shall not violate any applicable law or regulation, nor infringe the rights of any other person or entity.

Statamic features

To run Statamic 3 you’ll need a server with PHP >= 7.2.5, with the extensions enabled : BCMath PHP, Ctype PHP, Exif PHP, JSON PHP, Mbstring PHP, OpenSSL PHP, PDO PHP, Tokenizer PHP, XML PHP, GD Library or ImageMagick. To get started it’s recommended to install their CLI tool :

$ composer global require statamic/cli
$ statamic new my-site

Usually you will find this installed under ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/statamic, so you can add a link to your usr/local/bin to make it global.

statamic starter kit
CLI Starter kit choice

The tool will ask you for the starter kit that you need to install, and basically there are 7 starter kits of variants of the CMS that you can choose from, the first 3 are official and 4 others are contributed by the community :

starter kits

You can start with the default starter kit to get started, then you can explore later additional features provided. But overall, all starter kits description are self explanatory so you should guess easily which version you need to install. So depending on the version that you will install, features might change, and later you can configure the available features or add more addons from the official marketplace.

statamic editor

The marketplace

The marketplace provides hundreds of components that you can add to your starter kit installation, and some addons are free while more addons available are commercial with prices starting from $6 to $49. You can find addons to manage API, Blog, Comments, Commerce, control panel, dates, enhancements, field types, …etc.

Commercial support

Statamic is free when you’re building a website for yourself, a friend, or a hobby. The free edition allow you to organize and publish content with all 40+ fieldtypes, unlimited collections & taxonomies, all frontend features and One (super) admin user account & content form.However for professional use pricing start from $259 per site which include basic developer support, Unlimited user accounts & roles, Revisions, drafts, & content history, Multi-site, multilingual, & multi-user editing, and finally Git integration right in the control panel.

Statamic is an open source software with Copyright to Wilderborn, LLC. More information at


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