Just launched today, Digital Ocean App platform is new Platform as Service where you can Build, deploy, and scale apps quickly using a simple, fully managed solution. They will handle the infrastructure, app runtimes and dependencies, so that you can push code to production in just a few clicks. The demo video is self explanatory :
Digital Ocean new App Platform supports Node.js, Python, Go, PHP, Ruby, Static sites, and Docker. Fully managed, with a simple, intuitive, and visually rich experience to rapidly build, deploy, manage, and scale apps. They create, manage and renew your SSL certificates and also protect your apps from DDoS attacks. So you can focus on what matters the most: building awesome apps, and they will manage everything else for you.

Users are already reporting issue with the platform as is does not support yet root domains :
The auto detection feature seems to be problematic as it’s not detecting correctly a simple PHP project with a single Node dependency.
Another issue is that some of the features announced, are not yet ready ! You can see below that you can “Deploy code directly from your GitHub repositories. Automatically re-deploy the app when you push updates to your source code”.

In the announcement they are mentioning this in the upcoming features : “Support for GitLab and Bitbucket so that you can deploy code from your repositories on these services.”

That’s the easiest $5 that you can spend just to see a Laravel Hello up and running ! Prices start from $0 for static sites, someone should start thinking about switching WordPress to MovableType and exporting the whole website to static pages. Otherwise for dynamic websites prices start with $5/month for basic account and $12/month the professional one.
More information about Digital Ocean App Platform at https://www.digitalocean.com/products/app-platform/