WordPress 3.0 Thelonious Released

WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress is now available for download. Lots of bugfixes (1,217 in total) but one major changes : the merge of WPMU and WordPress...

Skipfish, Web Application Security Scanner By Google

Google released a new security tool Skipfish; a fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool. It prepares an interactive sitemap for the targeted site by carrying out a recursive crawl...

Larapush, Deploy your Codebase With Artisan

Larapush is a command line utility that will let you deploy your codebase to your web server using a new Laravel Artisan command. Larapush requires PHP 7.2 and Laravel 5.8+, some...

Comfygure 1.0 released, Encrypted, Versioned, and Collaborative Configuration Store

Comfygure is an open source tool that provides encrypted and versioned configuration storage built with collaboration in mind. Comfygure is great to manage application configurations for multiple environments, toggle feature flags...

Mollom, Security Webservice That Makes Websites Moderation Easier

Mollom is a new initiative launched by Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, and Benjamin Schrauwen, to provide a complete solution to prevent spam and helps improve overall content quality. Mollom...

Archive streaming library for PSR-7

ArchiveStream Message Body provides a memory efficient package for streaming Zip files as PSR-7 message. The package require PHP >=5.6.0, gmp extension, and psr/http-message. The only limitation is that only the...
system integrity monitor

System Integrity Monitor, Track Your Production Server

System Integrity Monitor - Many of us use online services to monitor web server status, if it goes down, if all services are up and running fine, which send back notification...

DDEV-Local, the local PHP development environment system

Ddev is an open source tool that makes it simple to get local PHP development environments up and running in minutes. It's powerful and flexible as a result of its per-project...

NGiИX config generator

Sometimes you might misspell json configuration of your Nginx, you forgot how to configure reverse proxy, cache or logging ? NGiИX config generator will simply all the configuration procedure of your Nginx...

PhpStorm 2018.3 released!

PhpStorm 2018.3 is now released with tons of new features and bugfixes. Some of the new features include : Doctrine Query Language Support One of Doctrine ORM's key features is the ability to...

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