Sylius, the First eCommerce framework that grows with your business

Sylius is the first decoupled eCommerce framework based on Symfony and Doctrine. The highest quality of code, strong testing culture, built-in Agile (BDD) workflow and exceptional flexibility make it the best...

Measuring and Improving your CI/CD Pipelines

Over the last 4 years I’ve often found myself in conversations with fellow engineers about our build and deployment process and how we feel it has become slower or is somehow...

PHP Insights, Instant PHP Quality Checks from your Console

PHP Insights is a simple command line to analyze the code quality of your PHP projects. Written and maintained by Nuno Maduro, author of Laravel Zero the framework for console artisans....

PHP 8.0 feature focus: match() expressions

Larry Garfield, Director of Developer Experience at, have written an introductory post on PHP 8.0 new feature match(), which go beyond switch/case directives limitation. While it gets the job done, the...

PHPStan 0.10.6 Released with Full PHP 7.3 Support

Ondřej Mirtes have just announced the availability of PHPStan 0.10.6 with full support for PHP 7.3, which should be available in the next few days. The new release added support for is_countable(), JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR...

PHPStorm 8.0.3 EAP released

JetBrains PHPStorm team released version 8.0.3 in the early access program, adding mainly performance and bug fixes. Overall eleven issues fixed including two usability problems. Other changes from IntelliJ platform and...

PHP RFC Accepted : Implement new DOM Living Standard APIs in ext/dom

Working with XML (HTML) documents is a necessary task for many web applications and the dom extension implements a standardized API that was previously specified by a w3 group into 3...

WordPress 3.0 Thelonious Released

WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress is now available for download. Lots of bugfixes (1,217 in total) but one major changes : the merge of WPMU and WordPress...

PHP vs NodeJs, Why you should not compare

Peter Wayner wrote on InfoWorld an article titled "PHP vs. Node.js: An epic battle for developer mind share", sharing developers opinions on who's better PHP vs NodeJs ? First question that...

How to Install Laravel on XAMPP for Mac users

We noticed that Laravel installation for XAMPP users in Mac is a little problematic. New XAMPP release is using VM to run, however it's quite limited so here is how to...

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Get Started with Laravel Volt: A Free Full Stack Laravel App...

Laravel Volt is an admin dashboard template that offers a comprehensive design and development toolbox for personal and commercial projects. It comes with handcrafted...